Gut Feeling.
Plumbing matters (mattress) 2023. Graphite on paper and archival inkjet print on rag 590 x 840mm.
Very nearly, like so close. 2023. Graphite on paper and archival inkjet print on rag 590 x 840mm.
I'm simply blown away by your aptitude. 2023. Graphite on paper and archival inkjet print on rag 590 x 840mm.
Body like a Greek dog, only better. 2023. Graphite on paper and archival inkjet print on rag 590 x 840mm.
Hey you, stop. Wait a minute. I just want to ask you somethi... 2023. Graphite on paper and archival inkjet print on rag 590 x 840mm.
Flawed heroics cause collateral damage. 2023. Graphite on paper and archival inkjet print on rag 590 x 840mm.
Just roll one up, you don't have to show me both. 2023. Graphite on paper and archival inkjet print on rag 590 x 840mm.
It's a garden party. 2023. Graphite on paper and archival inkjet print on rag 590 x 840mm.
A series of collage drawings produced for the group exhibition Gut Feeling at Sweet Pea Gallery in 2024
These works are a combination of photos I have taken/stolen from the internet and some an ongoing series of drawings which are inspired by conversations I have around disability with strangers on the street, on public transport and anywhere else where people think it’s cool to get all up in my business.