New Studio in an abandoned department store

I recently moved into a new studio. The building is creepy as fuck. 

Lots of beige, featuring Betty

Lots of beige, featuring Betty

It used to be a Myers, and the floor we're on was abandoned sometime in the mid 90s. Therefore, decor is a pure trip. 

Cavernous spaces with art detritus

Cavernous spaces with art detritus

The building is home to a bunch of artists, carpenters and strange and wonderful folk. Here is one example of a strange one. 

Small mountain of old cinema chairs, featuring Luke

Small mountain of old cinema chairs, featuring Luke

I'm sharing 100 sq meters with 3 other artists. We are set up like a motherfucker. You name it and we can make it. 

The inner sanctum

The inner sanctum

It's also got a pretty epic rooftop. This is going to get painted up. Truth.

Our breakroom

Our breakroom

Many hours and many late nights and early mornings will happen in this place. 

In progress

In progress