Street Art in Mundaring

Recently I had the chance to run some graffiti workshops​ for kids with disabilities. It was a lot of fun.

A self portrait of the artist. 

A self portrait of the artist. 

The project was organised by Mundaring Arts Center with the aim of engaging people in the community that wouldn't normally be exposed to subcultures such as the world of graffiti.

The rare breast eared mouse. 

The rare breast eared mouse. 

I'd seen these projects before and was always amazed at the can control that kids seem to develop so quickly. ​ However, what's even more impressive is the amount of original ideas generated by folk with a different perspective on life.

Dan Duggan in the midst of slip, slop, slap. 

Dan Duggan in the midst of slip, slop, slap. 

Some people would try to cover up the "mistakes" made by the kids. Attempting to normalise their designs and produce the clean, conventional look of graffiti. Instead of this our attitude was to let them do whatever they wanted. I think this worked, but more importantly so did the kids.

Colour bomb bus stop. 

Colour bomb bus stop.