Bruno Booth

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New Studio in an abandoned department store

I recently moved into a new studio. The building is creepy as fuck. 

Lots of beige, featuring Betty

It used to be a Myers, and the floor we're on was abandoned sometime in the mid 90s. Therefore, decor is a pure trip. 

Cavernous spaces with art detritus

The building is home to a bunch of artists, carpenters and strange and wonderful folk. Here is one example of a strange one. 

Small mountain of old cinema chairs, featuring Luke

I'm sharing 100 sq meters with 3 other artists. We are set up like a motherfucker. You name it and we can make it. 

The inner sanctum

It's also got a pretty epic rooftop. This is going to get painted up. Truth.

Our breakroom

Many hours and many late nights and early mornings will happen in this place. 

In progress